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What Is Healthcare Transition?

Resources and Education for Healthcare Transition (HCT)
•Transition often involves transferring to a new provider

•The three main phases are Planning, Transfer, and Integration
  • Planning

    Planning is creating a roadmap, gaining education, knowledge, and skills about your disease and the change to an adult model or adult doctor.

  • Transfer

    Transfer is making the actual transfer from a pediatric doctor to an adult one and/or a pediatric model of care to an adult model

  • Integration

    Integration is the process of settling in with a new team or new model of care and learning to do things according to the new team or model, as well as becoming an established patient with that practice, and attending appointments with them.

The main goals of health care transition are:

  1. Improve the ability of youth/young adults to manage their own health care and effectively use health services
  2. Ensure an organized process in pediatric and adult health care practices to facilitate transition prep, transfer, and integration into adult care
  3. Support patients in gaining knowledge and skills necessary to navigate a new model of care and their own disease process

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Transition Readiness Assessment Forms

These are examples of transition readiness assessments (TRA) which are meant to help medical staff see what you already know about your health, how to use health care and the areas of your care you want to learn more about.

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